Hunt: Showdown Stats by Laurens




Hunters killed




Average MMR
Match information
Date Sunday 9 April 2023
End time 23:53
Level DeSalle
Game mode Bounty Hunt - Trio
Target Spider
Team 1 - Invites MMR 2669
Gentlespie 2788
King Cate 2526
sEo 2591
Team 2 - Invites MMR 2668
Bayonet Bill 2736
Hozzira 2627
Laurens 2619
Team 3 - Invites MMR 2660
suderek 2540
Biting Bober 2739
dryf 2651
Team 4 - Randoms MMR 2667
NoScope 2737
BashChelik 2752
vitamin d 2646
2:34 suderek killed by teammate
3:45 teammate downed by NoScope
3:56 NoScope killed by Laurens
6:03 sEo downed by teammate
6:26 Laurens downed by Gentlespie
6:57 Gentlespie downed by teammate
10:49 King Cate killed by teammate
20:44 Hozzira picked up a bounty
23:39 Bayonet Bill picked up a bounty
34:34 Bayonet Bill extracted with a bounty
34:34 Hozzira extracted with a bounty
Hunters killed 1
Teammates revived 1
Boss Targets
Spider banished Yes
Spider bonus completed Yes
Spider bounty looted 2
Spider clue found 1/3 Yes
Spider clue found 2/3 Yes
Spider clue found 3/3 Yes
Spider killed Yes
Spider located Yes
Armoreds killed 6
Grunts killed 71
Hellhounds killed 3
Hives killed 12
Immolators killed 4
Immolators killed without explosion 1
Meatheads killed 2
Horses killed 2

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