Hunt: Showdown Stats by Laurens




Hunters killed




Average MMR
Match information
Date Thursday 1 June 2023
End time 21:59
Level Lawson Delta
Game mode Bounty Hunt - Trio



Team 1 - Invites MMR 2592
Lucky Tuna 2662
Fegelschwein 2583
Jewst 2494
Team 2 - Invites MMR 2606
WirusB-13 2530
Бездарь 2666
Ostap Blyakher 2598
Team 3 - Invites MMR 2610
Bayonet Bill 2635
egnie 2637
Laurens 2545
Team 4 - Randoms MMR 2595
V A N G U A R D 2607
BruceLionheart 2679
Кущовий воїн 2644
11:16 Laurens downed by Ostap Blyakher
11:32 egnie picked up a bounty
11:52 Bayonet Bill picked up a bounty
12:35 WirusB-13 downed by teammate
12:35 teammate downed by WirusB-13
13:12 Ostap Blyakher downed by teammate
13:18 Бездарь killed by teammate
17:20 Bayonet Bill picked up a bounty
19:37 egnie picked up a bounty
23:34 Bayonet Bill extracted with a bounty
23:34 egnie extracted with a bounty
Boss Targets
Butcher banished Yes
Butcher bonus completed Yes
Butcher bounty looted 2
Butcher clue found 3/3 Yes
Butcher killed Yes
Butcher located Yes
Spider banished Yes
Spider bonus completed Yes
Spider bounty looted 2
Spider clue found 1/3 Yes
Spider clue found 2/3 Yes
Spider clue found 3/3 Yes
Spider killed Yes
Spider located Yes
Armoreds killed 7
Grunts killed 34
Hives killed 12
Immolators killed 3
Immolators killed without explosion 2
Leeches killed 3
Meatheads killed 2

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