Hunt: Showdown Stats by Laurens




Hunters killed




Average MMR
Match information
Date Tuesday 4 July 2023
End time 23:12
Level Lawson Delta
Game mode Bounty Hunt - Duo
Target Assassin
Event Tide Of Shadows
Event information
Deathless used Yes
Ship Altars destroyed 1
Ship Altars looted 3
Team 1 - Invites MMR 2553
Sok0liar 2681
TheGoldenShotgun_SK 2497
Team 2 - Invites MMR 2548
Guillaume 2518
Jk 2661
Team 3 - Invites MMR 2555
Kayele43 2526
♥Casper♥ 2668
Team 4 - Invites MMR 2554
Top G 2586
MrlUnleashed 2621
Team 5 - Invites MMR 2554
mumbleofdoom 2700
KillahWh 2460
Team 6 - Invites MMR 2550
Bayonet Bill 2654
Laurens 2536
12:02 Top G picked up a bounty
12:10 MrlUnleashed picked up a bounty
12:42 MrlUnleashed downed by Laurens
13:05 Sok0liar picked up a bounty
13:09 Top G killed by Laurens
13:12 Laurens picked up a bounty
14:24 TheGoldenShotgun_SK downed by Laurens
15:22 Bayonet Bill picked up a bounty
16:50 Bayonet Bill downed by mumbleofdoom
17:12 KillahWh picked up a bounty
19:08 Laurens killed by KillahWh
19:14 mumbleofdoom picked up a bounty
Hunters killed 3
Boss Targets
Assassin bounty taken Yes
Assassin clue found 1/3 Yes
Assassin clue found 2/3 Yes
Assassin clue found 3/3 Yes
Grunts killed 11
Hives killed 1
Immolators killed 4
Immolators killed without explosion 3
Horses killed 1

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